Greenberg, Adam Eric, Hal E. Hershfield, Suzanne B. Shu, and Stephen A. Spiller (2023), "What Motivates Social Security Claiming Intentions? Testing Behaviorally Informed Interventions Alongside Individual Differences," Journal of Marketing Research, 60 (6), 1052-1070. PDF

Jachimowicz, Jon M., Ruo Mo, Adam Eric Greenberg, Bertus F. Jeronimus, and Ashley V. Whillans (2021), "Income More Reliably Predicts Frequent Than Intense Happiness," Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12 (7), 1294-1306. PDF

Gladstone, Joe J.*, Jon M. Jachimowicz*, Adam Eric Greenberg*, and Adam D. Galinsky (2021), "Financial Shame Spirals: Why Shame Intensifies Financial Hardship," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 167, 42-56. PDF

Greenberg, Adam Eric, and Cassie Mogilner (2021), "Consumer Debt and Satisfaction in Life," Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27 (1), 57-68. PDF

Greenberg, Adam Eric, Abigail B. Sussman, and Hal E. Hershfield (2020), "Financial Product Sensitivity Predicts Financial Health," Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33 (1), 15-26. PDF

Greenberg, Adam Eric, and Hal E. Hershfield (2019), "On Shifting Consumers from High-Interest to Low-Interest Debt," Financial Planning Review, 2 (1), e1035. PDF

Greenberg, Adam Eric, and Hal E. Hershfield (2019), "Financial Decision Making," Consumer Psychology Review, 2 (1), 17-29. PDF

Lupoli, Matthew J., Emma E. Levine, and Adam Eric Greenberg (2018), "Paternalistic Lies," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 146, 31-50. PDF

Greenberg, Adam Eric*, and Stephen A. Spiller* (2016), "Opportunity Cost Neglect Attenuates the Effect of Choices on Preferences," Psychological Science, 27 (1), 103-113. PDF

Greenberg, Adam Eric (2014), "On the Complementarity of Prosocial Norms: The Case of Restaurant Tipping During the Holidays," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 97, 103-112. PDF


Gladstone, Joe J., Jon M. Jachimowicz, Adam Eric Greenberg, and Adam D. Galinsky (2021), "If Money Is Tight, That’s Nothing To Be Ashamed of," The Boston Globe, (October 27). Link

Jachimowicz, Jon M., and Adam Eric Greenberg (2021), "Lower Income Translates To Fewer Happy Experiences—Here Is How We Can Fix It," Character & Context - Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Link

Greenberg, Adam Eric*, Emma E. Levine*, and Matthew Lupoli* (2018), "When Is It OK To Tell a Well-Meaning Lie?" Harvard Business Review, (September 4). Link


Greenberg, Adam Eric (2013), "When Imagining Future Wealth Influences Risky Decision Making," Judgment and Decision Making, 8 (3), 268-277. PDF

Flynn, Sean Masaki*, and Adam Eric Greenberg* (2012), "Does Weather Actually Affect Tipping? An Empirical Analysis of Time-Series Data," Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42 (3), 702-716. PDF